English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)
Language Development Center
State Islamic Institute of Pontianak 2024
Pontianak (ppb.iainptk.ac.id) – From July 22-26, 2024, the Language Development Center of the State Islamic Institute of Pontianak (IAIN Pontianak) held the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) in the fifth-floor auditorium of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK). The event was organized by Sari Firnanda, S.S., M.Pd as the Head Commitee, Suieb, S.Kom.I as the Secretary, supported by five committee members: Ahmad Syaifullah, S.Pd, Rico Prasetyo, SH, Yut Dani, A.Md, Marhasib, S.Pd, and Syamsul Arifin, S.Pd.I., and also assisted by one hundred (100) supervisors from the IAIN Pontianak staffs in overseeing the event.
The same participants from the previous ALPA test, a total of two thousand eight hundred ninety (2,890) students filled the fifth-floor auditorium of FTIK, specifically rooms 505 and 509. During this event, IAIN Pontianak students undertook the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA), which includes several sections such as Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, and Reading Comprehension.
The purpose of this activity is to enhance and evaluate the students’ English language skills that have been developed and refined during their schooling and university education, including communication, critical thinking, and writing. It’s additionally to prepare themselves for more challenging TOEFL tests in the future. Furthermore, the output of this activity is a certificate that students use as one of the requirements for their final paper or thesis registrations.